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Wednesday Musings

God says in the Quran, each one of us is accountable for what we do in our lives. The good and bad we do has consequences that will be ultimately revealed to us sooner or later.

Al-Isra' 17:7

[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves."

Covid-19 has turned all of our existences upside down. Most of our vision for the future has become blurred which is overwhelming. But we have to recollect that the patience and perseverance we practised during this hard time aren’t going to waste. The goodness that we gave to ourselves and others aren't going to be neglected. Every good deed done will be worth it in the end; the verse above points exactly to that. Even a slight smile you managed to put on your face when the world was spiralling around you will be rewarded.

Alternatively, the bitter things that we’ve perpetrated along the way will be held into account too. The bad stuff you’ve done reckoning that it’ll put a person in place will eventually turn its back to you – “if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves.”

Therefore, it’s all about action and reaction. We’re liable to anything that we do and suffer or enjoy from its consequences.

Have a great week!

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