If I had one super power what would it be? …I’m guessing, healing people. As much as benevolent it sounds, it ain’t easy. Even with super powers I don’t think we could erase all of the negativity and hatred in this world.
Psychiatry/Therapy/Counselling are professions that revolves around this process of healing, but can they really heal people?
My opinion is, they SHOULD. Even if they couldn’t completely cure a depressed person, given the responsibility they should at least try a little harder to save that person from their wretched situation.
Here are the things that every T/P/C should say/do to a person suffering from Anxiety and Depression-
1. Spend hours or even days with your clients
Therapists/Counsellors/Psychiatrists, especially the hard-to-get ones should lower their vanity a bit and start to put-in extra hours with their clients. How will a depressed person feel at ease if you’re constantly checking your clock?
2. Don’t rush to give solutions
Therapists shouldn’t be judge-y. If a person submits a problem, focus on how the problem is bothering them instead of suggesting temporary solutions and finishing the case abruptly.
3. Your words matter
Some things to say to an anxious/depressed person-
“I’m here to listen to whatever you have to say”
“I’m sorry you had to go through this”
“I’m listening”
“I understand the situation completely and I’m by your side”
“If my words hurt or trigger you, stop me”
“I’m grateful to have you as my client”
“We’ll sort this out together”
4. Don’t rely on Anti-depressants
I’ve seen people taking anti-depressants which are often sleeping pills that helps them to sleep through their stress and overthinking. Therapists rely on this dearly but I must ask, how could a medication fight with thoughts on someone’s head?
It comes with a set of side effects too.
Talking and empathizing with the person that’s suffering mentally is the only beneficial way to healing.
5. Set an affordable fee
Therapy costs a lot of money. Sometimes during sessions, client’s insurance or finances may not catch up with the therapist's demands. In such cases, therapists should take the edge off their burden by setting an affordable pay.
I don’t know, was I a little rough on T/P/C in this post?
Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!
Cover image is from Unsplash