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Nazneen Gani

How do you put up with pressure? Me, not very well. Certain situations and people can change our whole attitude about life. The pressure we feel about life is a precursor to what I call a breaking point. You and I, both break into a million fractions, shatter into bits and pieces of nothingness. This pressure, as I said before, is a very well-known hassle that has to be gotten rid of. Imagine a pressure cooker or a steamer, both of these collect the steam and get the water vapour out of them. When in breaking conditions, when it can no longer accept any steam inside of it, it bursts. It lets go of air inside it only to become free again. When a pressure cooker lets off steam, it makes a screeching whistle sound that makes you cover your ears - the whistle is a victory mark; a pinnacle of its worth. Same way, our built-up pressure, is a sign that when we crack, we will let out this magnificent sound that may or may not be audible to others. But what matters is that you can hear it. You'd be free again. All pointing fingers would become a joke to you. A very funny, deadpan comedy. With that joke, you can travel some more miles effortlessly, where on the way you might be greeted with a new batch of pressure. Take it with open arms and remember, you will release it someday. And that day isn't far away.

Al-Balad 90:4

لَقَدۡ خَلَقۡنَا ٱلۡإِنسَٰنَ فِى كَبَدٍ

We have certainly created man into hardship.


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