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Knock the bottom out of Online Nutrition Misinformation

Knock the bottom out of online nutrition misinformation.

All Natural = All safe. This is what companies and advertisers cheat us with. Even Tobacco, heroin and cocaine are also all natural, but is it safe? This is just an illusion, says Roberta H. Anding. So, All natural ≠ All Safe.

Roberta is a registered dietitian with the American Dietetic Association, certified diabetes educator and a certified specialist in sport dietetics.

She says, advertisements and companies fool us completely by using Nutritional facts which are mostly just ‘fiction’.

Colon cleansing is something people get fooled by. Roberta says there is no need to detoxify colon because by nature we are designed to detoxify colon and that’s called ‘fibre’. These companies claim that by ‘forcing diarrhoea’ we can lose weight. But in reality, diarrhoea only makes the body lose water weight and NOT body fat.

Prozac is an example of nutrition misinformation. It is an anti-depression medication which has plenty of side-effects. Homeopathic version of it contains Strychnine which causes side effects.

These “health” companies often convince us by telling you don’t have to diet nor exercise and you can eat whatever you want’, but how can such a product be effective is the question.

Roberta also says by believing in such claims and following those, we are only separating ourselves from a treatment which could be at least life sustaining. Even celebrities and athletes fall for this trap of ‘curing an incurable disease’.

Cancer is a hard challenge to face. But by skipping chemotherapy, which is of course painful and emotionally draining and going for something that’s advertised and facing its consequences later is pathetic and doesn’t solve anything.

Health frauds use medical terminologies to sell a product for example, Lipoactive — which sounds impressive but doesn’t have a proper definition to it; also doesn’t have enough science background.

So let’s distance ourselves from these online scams and search for Authorised informations.

Stay tuned for an continuation of this topic.

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Anding. H. R. Nutrition Made Clear Course Guidebook. (2009). Virginia, USA. The Great Courses. The Teaching Company. Lecture 2, pg. 6.


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