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Jump start your day with Ginger Tea!

Nazneen Gani

Jump start your day with ginger tea!

Hi, I would LOVE to share with you my new favourite drink/refreshment, Ginger tea! Yup that's the tea today.

My Nutrition degree would be of no use if I don't enlighten you guys on foodstuffs from time to time (hehehe).

The thing about tea is, it is my most detestable drink, ever. I never drank tea, up until now. It's smell made me wanna throw up. Not to be dramatic, but, I loathed tea. When everyone else in my household drank tea like it was a tradition, I never even touched it.

When you visit someone as a guest the first thing they offer is tea; and it would be really awkward to say "No, I don't like tea". And they'd be very surprised.

So, I'm married now and due to my husband's fanciness for tea, I somehow thought of making this crucial decision of trying tea for breakfast.

But. I made some alterations. Instead of drinking that disrelished drink as it is, I added ginger or sometimes cardamom with it..and guess what! I'd say, 'there's nothing quite like it.'

The flavour of ginger, made what I disliked most to what I crave for the most, now.

Ginger is a lifesaver. It's aroma and freshness when added to milk along with tea granules is just divine. Never thought I'd be blogging about tea let alone drinking it lol.

Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is believed to alleviate motion sickness, dizziness and improve


Whereas tea has phytochemicals like phenol that neutralises free radicals and flavonoid in black tea and green tea may protect against heart diseases and cancer respectively.

It gives a gentle physical and mental pick-me-up and lowers risk of kidney and gall stones.

Give ginger tea a try if you haven't. It'll electrify ⚡ your day.

How to make: (my version)

Step 1. Boil about half a glass of water (not much required)

Step 2. Take an inch or two of the ginger and crush it to bring out it's flavour.

Step 3. Add it to boiling water. Add tea powder (1 tsp for 1 person). And sugar as required.

Step 4. Allow water to boil further for it to get along with other ingredients.

Step 5. When most of the water is evaporated, add milk and bring to boil again.

Step 6. Stir at intervals. Your delicious Ginger tea is served.

Along with its taste, it comes with a set of

dietary significance too!

If you're a fan of Ginger tea or someone who despises it like how I used to, let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

a ginger tea stan.


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