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Flammkuchen (Tarte Flambée)

Flammkuchen (Tarté Fambée in French) is a delicious German pizza that’s crispy and smoky. This speciality was born in Alsace, France and South Germany.

This recipe was born when German bakers used a small portion of dough to test their oven temperature. If the dough is browned at the edges in 1-2 minutes, the oven is ready to bake. Back in the days when there were no temperature dials or thermostats, this was the method used!

So, this tester piece was eaten and along with some toppings. It tasted delicious.

Meat and caramelised onions are used as toppings mostly. Not much cheese is employed in the recipe. You can also top some of your own veggies or meats. Thinly sliced Zucchini, grilled tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, peppers, olives and cherry tomatoes would take Flammkuchen in a different direction.

Flammkuchen calls for crème frâiche as the main sauce, upon unavailability you can apply a coat of sour cream or strained Greek yoghurt.

Cuisine: German

Course: Main

Preparation time: 40 min

Cook time: 20 min

Total time: 1 hour

Serves: 1-2

Author: Nazneen Gani


· 2 tsp active yeast, pizza yeast preferred*

· Sugar – ½ tbsp

· 1 cup warm water

· 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

· 1 salt

· Olive oil – 1 tbsp

· 1 tbsp clarified butter or cooking oil

· 3 onions

· Chicken – 170 grams

· Sour cream – 180 grams

· Egg yolk – 1 large

· 1 tsp salt

· 1/2 tsp pepper

· 1 tsp nutmeg


1.Combine yeast, sugar and water in a bowl and let the yeast activate.

2.Add the flour, salt and oil and mix until a dough forms. knead for some minutes.

3.Cover the dough and let rest for about an hour.

4.Meanwhile, cut the chicken into small pieces and thinly slice the onions.

5.Heat the butter or cooking oil under medium heat and cook the chicken until it just begins to get crispy.

6.Sauté the onions

7.Mix the creme fraiche or sour cream with the yolk, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

8.Heat the oven to 200 C.

9.Divide the dough into 4 bigger portions.

10. Roll out the dough pieces thinly and place them onto a baking tray.

11. Spread creme fraiche/sour cream mixture over each tart, top with onions and chicken.

12. Bake for 20 minutes or until the edges begin to brown.

13. Serve and enjoy.


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