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Did you do your Harry Potter Reruns this Quarantine?

I love Harry Potter! Don’t we all? Last week got me start watching all the parts. My memory was a bit rusty, as I’m rerunning it after a long time. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is a classic though. It was the movie where we all experienced a truly magical world after Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings of course and followed by The Chronicles of Narnia.

In my opinion, the gripping storyline of Sorcerer’s Stone is unmatched when compared to The Chamber of Secrets and The Prisoner of Azkaban; but thankfully the plot gets heated up again from the fourth part.

The character arks of Harry, Ron and Hermione are in no doubt well evolved by J. K. Rowling but apart from them we can never forget Draco, Neville, Prof. Mcgonagall and Hagrid, can we?!

What got me into these reruns is Amazon Prime because every part is accessible easily there and less of a hassle than playing on DVDs or downloading online.

I’m now on to the 6th part and feeling a bit sad as it’s gonna come to an end — an Youtube comment is coming to my mind, “I wish my memory gets erased so that I could watch it all over again, as if it was the first time”.

I’ve never been a ‘potterhead’ ever, but now I guess it’s about time I jump on to the bandwagon!


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