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The Abominable Act

Nazneen Gani

An incident that happened in 1969 involving a murder unravelled many ugly layers. The Keepers is a documentary on Netflix that focuses on this event.

Sexual abuse of minors is gruesome. Especially, when it occurs in the hands of respected individuals. Revered religious figures in every society sometimes fall into this category. Where could you possibly go when a shameful act is committed to you by someone who is honoured? Listen to what Jean Wehner has to say in the docuseries, The Keepers on Netflix.

Jean Wehner | Netflix

It is hard to comprehend what Jean had to go through at such a young age. Jean was a student at Seton Keough, Baltimore, USA, where schoolgirls were often sexually abused and raped by the priest, Joseph Maskell. The school was founded and run by Father Joseph Maskell. Jean’s experience was hard to listen to because of how vividly she remembers everything that happened to her. Her eyes tell the rest of the story. You have to appreciate these women, who, in spite, still stay like a rock enduring storms. Jean, after many years, was able to file a lawsuit in 1992, enabling the removal of Maskell from the ministry. Maskell went for evaluation and treatment. (What sort of treatment would fix the sicko makes one wonder). In 1994, Jean put forth another lawsuit, but this time with five other victims. Unfortunately, this lawsuit gets dropped due to the statute of limitations. All thanks to the lawyers representing the Archdiocese *eye roll*.

Father Joseph Maskell | Netflix

This never-ending cover-up by Archdiocese and the Maryland police for Maskell made it impossible for the victims to get justice.

Cathy Cesnik, a nun who was teaching at Keough, became the ultimate scapegoat for the priest's actions sadly. Cathy and every other faculty at the school knew what was happening behind closed doors. But only Cathy had the bravery to face the priest and also had to pay the price? Her slain body was found by the police - near her home after going missing for months. Jean Wehner says that Maskell had shown her the body before identification, saying, “this is what happens when you tell bad things about people." There are multiple connections between various people in Cathy Cesnik's murder, and all of them somehow lead to Joseph Maskell.

Sister Cathy Cesnik | Netflix

The disgraced priest died in 2001, unpunished.

Victims are still healing from the trauma and abuse caused.

We cannot bring back Cathy, but we can try and put an end to child abusers like Maskell.

Abbie Schaub, left and Gemma Hoskins, former students at Keough, investigating Cesnik's murder | Netflix

  • Analyse your child's behaviour.

  • If your child is uncomfortable around a single or a group of people, find out the cause and make a distance.

  • Instigate openness in household

These are some points for safe navigating.

For more guidelines and information, contact the child services hotline.

Information courtesy: The Keepers, Netflix.

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